Images related to Thick Haze Over Northern India

Haze South of the Himalaya

Haze South of the Himalaya

Published Dec 3, 2003

Dust and Haze

Smog and Fog in India

Smog and Fog in India

Published Dec 29, 2005

Dust and Haze

Smog over Northern India

Smog over Northern India

Published Feb 7, 2006

Dust and Haze

Haze and Sediment in Bangladesh and India

Haze and Sediment in Bangladesh and India

More haze hugged the Himalaya Mountains on January 21, 2007, clouding the skies over northern India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. In the south, thick sediment clogged the mouth of the Ganges.

Published Jan 25, 2007

Atmosphere Dust and Haze Human Presence

Haze over the Indo-Gangetic Plain

Haze over the Indo-Gangetic Plain

As is often the case in the winter, haze hovered over the Indo-Gangetic Plain in January 2016, darkening skies over northern India and Bangladesh.

Published Jan 5, 2016

Atmosphere Dust and Haze

Airborne Particle Levels Plummet in Northern India

Airborne Particle Levels Plummet in Northern India

Satellite data show that aerosol levels have dropped significantly since the COVID-19 lockdown began.

Published Apr 20, 2020

Image of the Day Atmosphere Dust and Haze Human Presence Remote Sensing

Haze along the Himalaya

Haze along the Himalaya

Acquired December 11, 2010, this natural-color image shows a haze along the southern face of the Himalaya.

Published Dec 13, 2010

Atmosphere Dust and Haze Human Presence