China has more capacity to generate solar power than any other country, but getting the power to where it is most needed can be a challenge.
Published Jun 17, 2019An oasis along the ancient Silk Road has become a hub of solar power production in China. These images show the expansion of solar power facilities between 2006 and 2012.
Published Feb 1, 2013For now, this solar park in China’s western province of Qinghai is the largest in the world.
Published Feb 16, 2017Egypt is near completion of one of the world’s largest solar energy installations.
Published Oct 19, 2019The new 550 megawatt facility in California produces enough electricity to power 180,000 homes.
Published Mar 5, 2015This pair of images from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft shows sunspots and ultraviolet light emitted by the Sun on April 29, 2009.
Published May 1, 2009On January 23, 2012, satellites observed the most powerful solar radiation storm since 2005.
Published Jan 24, 2012In Morocco, an expansive solar power complex begins to take shape at the “door of the desert.”
Published Jan 10, 2016The Sun has been at a lull when many were expecting fierce storms and incessant sunspot activity. Could this be a double-peaked maximum?
Published Mar 6, 2013Our Sun experienced fewer sunspots in 2008 than it had since the 1957 launch of Sputnik. As of Sun-Earth Day on March 20, 2009, the Sun was continuing its quiet pattern.
Published Mar 20, 2009Reducing air pollution could increase the country's solar power potential.
Published Apr 26, 2018