Image of the Day Atmosphere Land
Hundreds of fires, probably related to agriculture, were burning across West Africa on December 26, 2009, when Aqua MODIS captured this image.
Atmosphere Land Fires Human Presence
The satellite-based atlas includes information about more than 13 million fires.
Image of the Day Remote Sensing
Fire is ubiquitous, both a tool and a destructive force. Like plants, fire grows and wanes in seasons.
Image of the Day Land
This image from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite from July 8, 2009, shows thick smoke from hundreds of fires burning in central Africa.
Atmosphere Land Life Fires Human Presence
Widespread fires produce thick smoke in this image of South Africa from September 15, 2010.
Land Fires
Scientists have answered some important questions about how fires vary around the world and are changing over time.
Image of the Day Land Life
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