The human landscape of Arabian cities stands out clearly when you see the lights.
Published Dec 30, 2013In this astronaut photograph from the International Space Station, the lights of Qatar show informative demographic detail that is very difficult to discern in daylight images.
Published Nov 12, 2012The developed areas of Brasília and its satellite cities are clearly outlined by street grids and highway lights in this astronaut photograph taken from the International Space Station.
Published Jan 31, 2011Several of the oldest cities of northwestern Europe are highlighted in this nighttime astronaut photograph from August 10, 2011.
Published Aug 29, 2011This nighttime astronaut photo shows the city lights of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates on September 11, 2009.
Published Sep 28, 2009Satellite data reveals increases in December holiday lighting in the United States, mostly in the suburbs.
Published Dec 17, 2014Image of the Day Unique Imagery Human Presence Remote Sensing
The city of Seoul (originally known as Hanyang) has been the capital of Korea for more than 600 years. This astronaut photograph illustrates the Seoul urban area at night. Major roadways and river courses (such as the Han River) are clearly outlined by street lights, while the brightest lights indicate the downtown urban core (center of image) and large industrial complexes. One such complex is located at the far left of the image and occupies an island in the Yellow Sea. Very dark regions in the image are mountains or large bodies of water. Nighttime images have been used extensively in urban climate and urban growth research to map the extent of urban (bright) versus rural (dark) regions.
Published Jan 10, 2005Two photos, taken 48 years apart, provide contrasting views of southern Asia.
Published Jan 26, 2015The desert darkness contrasts starkly with the brightly lit street grid of Las Vegas in this photo from the International Space Station.
Published Dec 13, 2010After dark, a fiesta of lights provides the outline for Spain and Portugal.
Published Dec 26, 2011This nighttime photograph of Tokyo, Japan, was taken by International Space Station astronaut Dan Tani on February 5, 2008. The heart of the city is brightest, with ribbons of lights radiating outward from the center along streets and railways.
Published Apr 22, 2008When viewed from the International Space Station, the night skies are illuminated with light from many sources.
Published Oct 24, 2011This nighttime view of the British capital offers unique insight into the city’s urban density and infrastructure as highlighted by electrical lighting. Interpreting the brightest areas as the most populated, the population density drops off rapidly from the bright urban center until it reaches the vicinity of the Orbital, an encircling roadway.
Published Feb 23, 2003