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Images related to Baltimore with a Dusting of Snow

Sun Rising on the Final Shuttle Mission

Sun Rising on the Final Shuttle Mission

Astronauts supplied the International Space Station with a new logistics module; tested tools, technologies, and techniques to refuel satellites in space; and collected old equipment.

Published Jul 21, 2011

Image of the Day Human Presence Remote Sensing

Astronauts’ New Window on the World

Astronauts’ New Window on the World

Primarily designed to give astronauts a way to see the outside of the ISS, it also provides stunning panoramic views of Earth and space.

Published Feb 20, 2010

Image of the Day Remote Sensing

The International Space Station’s New Destiny Module

The International Space Station’s New Destiny Module

With much of their time committed to construction of the International Space Station, astronauts and cosmonauts are also beginning their first scientific studies. The Destiny Laboratory just joined to the International Space Station includes the best optical quality window ever flown on a human-occupied spacecraft. The window will eventually host a number of remote sensing experiments that will use a special rack system, the Window Observational Research Facility or WORF, for mechanical and electrical support (Eppler et al. 1996). Until the WORF is complete in June 2002, astronauts are photographing the Earth’s surface as part of an early project, Crew Earth Observations.

Published Feb 16, 2001

Image of the Day Life

Final Hook-Up

Final Hook-Up

Space Shuttle Atlantis approaches the International Space Station for docking for the last time on July 10, 2011.

Published Jul 15, 2011

Image of the Day Atmosphere Water Human Presence

A GOLDen Look at the Ionosphere

A GOLDen Look at the Ionosphere

Satellites are shedding new light on the invisible processes and rhythms at play at the intersection between Earth and space.

Published Dec 26, 2019

Image of the Day Atmosphere Remote Sensing

The Acropolis, Athens, Greece

The Acropolis, Athens, Greece

This high-resolution photograph taken by astronauts on board the International Space Station shows details of Athens’ historic ruins. The detail panel shows actual pixels for the area of the Acropolis—some of the most distinctive features are the Parthenon, and Odeum of Herodes Atticus.

Published Dec 22, 2002

Image of the Day Land Life

Atlantis Rides Into History

Atlantis Rides Into History

In July 2011, the Space Shuttle Atlantis lit its rockets and roared into space for the 135th and last flight of the U.S. space transportation system.

Published Jul 9, 2011

Image of the Day Human Presence Remote Sensing

The Many Faces of Mount Everest

The Many Faces of Mount Everest

Over the years, astronauts have used various viewing angles and lenses to capture the many faces of Everest. Differing seasons and illumination allow for very different, but always spectacular perspectives. The astronauts on the International Space Station obtained this view of Mt. Everest in late November 2003.

Published Dec 29, 2003

Image of the Day Land

View of the Great Salt Lake from Skylab

View of the Great Salt Lake from Skylab

America's first space station was launched forty years ago. Astronauts on Skylab conducted some the first comprehensive visual studies of Earth’s surface.

Published May 14, 2013

Image of the Day Land Water Human Presence

Classroom in Space

Classroom in Space

The above photo of the International Space Station was taken by an astronaut aboard the space shuttle on April 17, 2002. Although its construction is not yet complete, Space Station Alpha began operations in November 2000. It now serves as home to three astronauts as well as dozens of already ongoing science experiments.

Published Jan 25, 2003

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Viewing Earth’s Limb

Viewing Earth’s Limb

Some of the most breathtaking views of Earth taken from space are those that capture our planet’s limb.

Published Apr 2, 2003

Image of the Day Atmosphere