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Images related to Haze off the United States East Coast

Haze off the U.S. East Coast

Haze off the U.S. East Coast

Published Jun 12, 2006

Dust and Haze

Haze off the U.S. East Coast

Haze off the U.S. East Coast

Published Jul 20, 2007

Dust and Haze

Haze over Eastern China

Haze over Eastern China

Acquired October 7, 2011, this natural-color image shows thick haze over the coastal plain of eastern China.

Published Oct 7, 2011

Atmosphere Dust and Haze Human Presence

November 2006 Smog Event, U.S. Northeast

November 2006 Smog Event, U.S. Northeast

Images of haze over the northeastern United States are shown for November 2006.

Published May 7, 2007

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Haze along the Himalaya

Haze along the Himalaya

Acquired December 14, 2009, this true-color image of northern India and Bangladesh shows thick haze hugging the southern face of the Himalaya.

Published Dec 15, 2009

Atmosphere Dust and Haze Human Presence

Haze over the Mid-Atlantic States

Haze over the Mid-Atlantic States

Published Aug 28, 2007

Dust and Haze

Haze Collects over Bangladesh

Haze Collects over Bangladesh

Haze concentrated over Bangladesh on January 20, 2009, likely the result of urban and industrial pollution.

Published Jan 20, 2009

Atmosphere Dust and Haze

Haze off the U.S. East Coast

Haze off the U.S. East Coast

Thick haze extended off the U.S. East Coast on October 8, 2007. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite took this picture the same day. In this image, the translucent haze obscures the view of the Atlantic Ocean just off the coast. East of the Carolinas, the haze narrows into a thin band that continues eastward.

Published Oct 9, 2007

Atmosphere Dust and Haze