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Images related to Dust Storm off Morocco

Dust Storm over Chad

Dust Storm over Chad

Published Oct 20, 2005

Dust and Haze

Dust Storm in Northern Africa

Dust Storm in Northern Africa

Dust remained in the air another day, two days after a major dust storm struck northern Africa on February 23, 2006. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) flying onboard the Terra satellite captured this image on February 25. By the time this image was acquired, the dust had moved toward the northeast over the Mediterranean Sea.

Published Feb 27, 2006

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Dust Storm over the Red Sea

Dust Storm over the Red Sea

This natural-color image shows camel-colored dust spanning the Red Sea between Sudan and Saudi Arabia on July 15, 2009.

Published Jul 15, 2009

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Sahara Dust Storm

Sahara Dust Storm

Acquired April 22, 2010, this natural-color image shows a dust plume spanning hundreds of kilometers in western Africa. A wall of dust appears to advance toward the southeast in Burkina Faso and Niger.

Published Apr 23, 2010

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Dust Storm off Egypt

Dust Storm off Egypt

Published Feb 8, 2006

Dust and Haze

Saharan Dust Storm

Saharan Dust Storm

Acquired June 24, 2012, this natural-color image shows dust off the coast of Morocco.

Published Jun 25, 2012

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Dust Storm in Turkmenistan

Dust Storm in Turkmenistan

Acquired February 28, 2013, this image shows an arc of dust over Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

Published Mar 1, 2013

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Australian Dust Storm

Australian Dust Storm

A dense cloud of dust hangs over the South Pacific Ocean off Australia’s east coast in this true-color image from October 14, 2009.

Published Oct 14, 2009

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze