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Images related to Snow Blankets Yosemite National Park

Sequoia National Park

Sequoia National Park

Acquired October 22, 2008, this true-color image of Sequoia National Park shows a network of varied ecosystem, including conifer forests, river valleys, alpine vegetation, and bare rocks.

Published Nov 15, 2009

Image of the Day Land Life

Denali National Park

Denali National Park

Published Aug 2, 2005

Image of the Day Land

Birthday Wishes for Shenandoah National Park

Birthday Wishes for Shenandoah National Park

Americans celebrate the 75th anniversary of Shenandoah National Park, just 75 miles from Washington, DC, but worlds away in spirit.

Published Jun 25, 2011

Image of the Day Land

Winter Arrives in the Sierra Nevada

Winter Arrives in the Sierra Nevada

As November 2018 came to a close, mountain areas saw their first significant snowfall of the season.

Published Dec 3, 2018

Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Severe Storms

Minute Man National Historical Park

Minute Man National Historical Park

Sites relevant to the start of the American Revolutionary War are interspersed throughout the modern-day Boston metropolitan region.

Published Jul 4, 2016

Image of the Day Land

Egmont National Park, New Zealand

Egmont National Park, New Zealand

The lush forests of Egmont National Park, on New Zealand‘s North Island, contrast with the pasturelands outside the circular park boundaries. The unique shape of the park results from its first protection in 1881, which specified that a forest reserve would extend in a 9.6-kilometer radius from the summit of Mt. Taranaki (named Mt. Egmont by Captain Cook). The park covers about 33,500 hectares and Mt. Egmont stands 2518 meters tall. The volcano began forming 70,000 years ago, and last erupted in 1755. A series of montane habitats occur in procession up the flanks of the volcano—from rainforest, to shrubs, to alpine, and finally snow cover.

Published Jun 2, 2002

Image of the Day Land

Mesa Verde National Park

Mesa Verde National Park

Falling blocks of rock in cliff alcoves became building materials for Ancestral Puebloans—and a popular draw for tourists visiting the park.

Published Aug 26, 2016

Image of the Day Land

Redwood National Park

Redwood National Park

State parks had already been established in the region when the U.S. Congress established northern California’s Redwood National Park in 1968.

Published Feb 22, 2009

Image of the Day Land Life

Saguaro National Park

Saguaro National Park

The park encompasses about 37,000 hectares of the Sonora Desert.

Published Jul 24, 2005

Image of the Day Land

Voyageurs National Park

Voyageurs National Park

Established in 1975, the park saw fur traders nearly two centuries earlier, and it supported human inhabitants thousands of years before that. Today, almost a third of the park is water, and travel through the park is usually by boat.

Published Oct 1, 2006

Image of the Day Land Life