Bolts light up Earth’s atmosphere 4 million times a day. Scientists hope to observe a few.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Remote Sensing
The map shows average yearly counts of lightning flashes per square kilometer, based on data collected by NASA satellites between 1995 and 2002.
Image of the Day Atmosphere
Space-borne sensors extend the record of global lightning detection.
The connection between people and lightning is visible along two of the world’s busiest shipping lanes.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Water Human Presence Remote Sensing
Scientists reveal details of a rare type of lightning that stretches into space.
An astronaut shot this photograph while looking back across the length of Endeavour.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Water
A camera onboard the International Space Station delivers the space-based view of meteors burning up in Earth’s atmosphere.
Wildfires in northern Canada and Alaska have been increasing in frequency and area burned. One possible cause is more lightning.
Image of the Day Heat Life
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