Millions of people in the state live in low-lying coastal areas where land subsidence is exacerbating the risks of sea level rise.
Published Oct 23, 2020Scientists measure ice’s gravitational pull on a pair of satellites, allowing them to estimate ice loss and its contribution to sea level rise.
Published Nov 5, 2020The acceleration has been driven mainly by increased ice melting in Greenland and Antarctica, and it has the potential to double the total sea level rise projected by 2100.
Published Feb 20, 2018Global sea level rise poses very local challenges for the many NASA centers situated on U.S. coasts.
Published Sep 30, 2015The nation’s problem is also NASA’s problem: Half to two-thirds of our space infrastructure and assets stand within 5 meters of sea level.
Published Sep 8, 2015The ocean is lumpy and sloshes around its basins for natural reasons. But it is also rising, slowly and steadily.
Published Nov 5, 2020Unlike the vegetated tundra of its neighboring islands, Bunge Land is a barren sandy plain that also serves as a land bridge.
Published Oct 5, 2020Acquired in 2006, 2009, and 2010, these natural-color images show the progress of land reclamation aimed at increasing the port capacity at Rotterdam.
Published Nov 28, 2010