Fires in Australia

In northern Australia, peak bushfire season is during the dry period, which is generally in winter and spring. In southern Australia, the bushfire season peaks in summer and autumn.
Bushfires in Queensland

Bushfires in Queensland

Homes were destroyed by blazes in eastern Australia, fueled by unusually hot and dry conditions.

Published Oct 26, 2023

Image of the Day Land Fires Human Presence

Bushfires in the Northern Territory

Bushfires in the Northern Territory

A warm, dry September set the stage for increased fire risk in Australia.

Published Oct 12, 2023

Image of the Day Heat Land Fires

Smoky Skies in Western Australia

Smoky Skies in Western Australia

Wet weather set the stage for prescribed burning to ramp up through April 2023 in the state’s southwest, near Perth.

Published Apr 24, 2023

Image of the Day Land Fires

Dry Season Fires in Australia

Dry Season Fires in Australia

As is common during the dry season, satellites detected many fires in Northern Territory.

Published Jun 11, 2018

Image of the Day Land Fires