North of a major dust storm, wildfires continued to burn in Queensland, Australia, on September 26, 2009. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this true-color image the same day. Red outlines indicate hotspots associated with the fires. An especially large cluster of fires burns near Bullen Bullen Road, Mt. Moffat. Another fire burns on the southern end of Fraser Island, sending thick smoke toward the southeast.
According to a report from the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service on September 28, 2009, the fires near Bullen Bullen Road continued to burn, as they had since September 24. At the time of the report, that fire complex posed no threat to property.
NASA image by Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, Goddard Space Flight Center. Caption by Michon Scott.
Fires burned throughout Queensland, Australia in late September 2009. Fires burned along the coast, and a large complex of fires burned near Tambo, Queensland.