Bosten Lake, one of the largest inland lakes in China, and the Kaidu River have made this dry landscape habitable.
Published Aug 22, 2016Acquired August 28, 2010, this natural-color image shows a dust plume spanning hundreds of kilometers blowing eastward from the Taklimakan Desert.
Published Aug 26, 2010Underground channels have supplied towns in southeastern Morocco for centuries.
Published Nov 19, 2016Acquired October 22, 2010, this natural-color image shows dust over the eastern half of the Taklimakan Desert.
Published Oct 22, 2010Water from the Kaidu River made it possible to turn part of the Taklamakan Desert into an oasis for agriculture, but it has also disturbed the water table.
Published Aug 18, 2012Acquired March 2, 2011, this natural-color image shows dust hovering over the Taklimakan Desert.
Published Mar 2, 2011Water has stopped pouring from the broken wall of the Sardoba Reservoir, but many areas are still submerged.
Published May 11, 2020The fast-growing city has polluted waterways and a growing demand for clean tap water.
Published Apr 11, 2017Acquired September 5, 2010, these natural-color images a wide-area and close-up view of a dust storm in the Taklimakan Desert.
Published Sep 8, 2010Muddy brown water spreads into Australia's Lake Eyre through a triangular delta in this natural-color Landsat image from May 9, 2009. The water transformed the dry basin into a vast inland sea where flocks of birds gathered to breed.
Published May 24, 2009