Globally averaged temperatures were 0.90 degrees Celsius (1.62 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the long-term mean.
Published Jan 18, 2018The past five years have been the warmest years in the modern record, and 18 of the 19 warmest years have occurred since 2000.
Published Feb 6, 2019Image of the Day Atmosphere Heat Human Presence Remote Sensing Temperature Extremes
The record-warm July continued a streak of ten consecutive months that have set new monthly high-temperature records.
Published Aug 21, 2016Long-term climate change got a boost from the developing El Niño and obliterated previous records.
Published Jan 21, 2016The past five years have been the warmest of the past 140 years.
Published Jan 15, 2020Image of the Day Atmosphere Heat Land Water Human Presence Remote Sensing Temperature Extremes
July 2017 was statistically tied with July 2016 as the warmest month in 137 years of modern record-keeping.
Published Aug 22, 2017Almost all land surfaces on the planet experienced unusually warm temperatures.
Published Mar 17, 2016April to September 2014 was the hottest spring and summer in 130 years of recordkeeping. Here’s why that matters, and why it doesn’t.
Published Oct 24, 2014The average global temperature has increased by about 0.8°Celsius since 1880, and two-thirds of the warming occurred after 1975.
Published Dec 10, 2010Separate analyses by NASA and NOAA agree that the past year was hotter than any other since 1880. The ten warmest years in the instrumental record, with the exception of 1998, have now occurred since 2000.
Published Jan 17, 2015Analysis of global temperatures shows that the year was the 9th hottest in the past 130 years. Nine of the ten warmest years have occurred since 2000.
Published Jan 20, 20122010 was the 4th warmest summer in the 131-year-temperature record. Unusually warm summers in the U.S. and Europe created the impression of global warming run amuck, but extrapolating global trends based on one or two regions can be misleading.
Published Oct 1, 2010July 2012 was the world’s 4th hottest July recorded since 1880.
Published Aug 17, 2012