An ash plume billows above one of Mexico’s most active volcanoes.
Published Feb 23, 2015A fresh lava flow was working its way down the southeast flank of the volcano when Landsat acquired this image.
Published Apr 21, 2020After a respite of less than a month, Klyuchevskaya Volcano resumed erupting in late November 2010.
Published Dec 6, 2010Increased activity at Eyjafjallajökull Volcano caused a new wave of flight cancellations in Ireland and Great Britain in early May 2010.
Published May 5, 2010The eruption of Klyuchevskaya Volcano is ongoing, with gas and steam plumes, strombolian activity, and a lava flow.
Published Mar 24, 2010The rising sun bathes the eastern half of Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula with light, casting long shadows in the west. The shadows highlight the plume of ash that continues to rise from the Klyuchevskaya Volcano. The largest and most active volcano on the peninsula, Klyuchevskaya has erupted regularly since its first recorded eruption in 1697. Its most recent activity began in mid-January 2005, and has not abated.
Published Mar 14, 2005Klyuchevskaya Volcano on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula was covered in ash on March 10, 2010.
Published Mar 10, 2010Bezymianny Volcano erupted vigorously on the morning of April 14, 2011, leaving lahars and pyroclastic flows behind.
Published Apr 28, 2011