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Images related to Dust Storm in the Taklimakan Desert

Dust storm in Taklimakan

Dust storm in Taklimakan

Published Jul 1, 2005

Dust and Haze

Dust Storm in the Taklimakan Desert

Dust Storm in the Taklimakan Desert

Acquired April 24, 2012, this image shows a continuing dust storm in the Taklimakan Desert of western China.

Published Apr 24, 2012

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Dust Storm over the Taklimakan Desert

Dust Storm over the Taklimakan Desert

On May 10, 2007, a dust storm covered most of the Taklimakan Desert in western China. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite captured an image of the storm at 05:50 UTC. The storm had intensified by the time the MODIS sensor on NASA’s Aqua satellite took another picture at 07:30 UTC.

Published May 10, 2007

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Taklimakan Desert Dust Storm

Taklimakan Desert Dust Storm

Spring winds bring spring dust storms from northwest China.

Published Apr 2, 2015

Image of the Day Atmosphere Dust and Haze

Dust Storm in Taklimakan Desert

Dust Storm in Taklimakan Desert

Published Feb 4, 2005

Dust and Haze

Taklimakan Desert Dust Storm

Taklimakan Desert Dust Storm

Acquired September 5, 2010, these natural-color images a wide-area and close-up view of a dust storm in the Taklimakan Desert.

Published Sep 8, 2010

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Dust Storm in the Taklimakan Desert

Dust Storm in the Taklimakan Desert

Acquired on April 23, 2012, this natural-color image shows a severe dust storm in the Taklimakan Desert of western China.

Published Apr 23, 2012

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Dust Storm in the Taklimakan Desert

Dust Storm in the Taklimakan Desert

This true-color image from May 5, 2009, shows dust plumes and clouds over the eastern part of the Taklimakan Desert.

Published May 5, 2009

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Dust Storm in China and Mongolia

Dust Storm in China and Mongolia

Acquired April 17, 2013, this image shows a dust storm spanning hundreds of kilometers along the China-Mongolia border.

Published Apr 18, 2013

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze