The limb of the Earth is a work of awesome beauty and a gift to science.
Published Nov 26, 2011Thin layers of lighter and darker blues reveal the many layers of the atmosphere.
Published Nov 28, 2016Normally seen only at twilight, polar mesospheric clouds are illuminated by “sunrise” in this astronaut photo from June 16, 2010.
Published Jul 5, 2010Astronauts captured this unusual view of a Perseid meteor descending into Earth's atmosphere in August 2011.
Published Aug 17, 2011As moisture-filled thunderhead clouds expand upward through the atmosphere, they can hit a more stable layer and flatten into an anvil shape.
Published Nov 24, 2014Marine stratocumulus clouds and an atmospheric eddy could be seen over the southern Indian Ocean in early March 2013.
Published Mar 19, 2013A camera onboard the International Space Station delivers the space-based view of meteors burning up in Earth’s atmosphere.
Published Aug 13, 2016In the northern hemisphere, night-shining clouds seem to be forming earlier and spreading farther each year, as they did in 2013.
Published Jun 25, 2013Night-shining clouds high in the atmosphere over the southern polar region appear in shades of blue and orange in this astronaut photo from January 30, 2010.
Published Feb 22, 2010An astronaut on the ISS caught a glimpse of a sliver of the setting Moon and some clouds that shine at night.
Published Aug 10, 2003Parallel “roll clouds” over the Pacific Ocean were likely influenced by the development of Tropical Cyclone Cook.
Published Apr 15, 2017“Night-shining” clouds form at high altitudes in late spring and early summer.
Published Jun 25, 2012From a vantage point about 360 km (225 miles) over the Earth, Space Station crewmembers photographed the crescent moon through the upper layers of Earth’s atmosphere. At the bottom of the image, a closed deck of clouds is probably at about 6 km (3 miles). The shades of blue grading to black are caused by the scatter of light as it strikes gas molecules of the very low density upper atmosphere.
Published Feb 23, 2004Exhaust trails mark the flight of a Soyuz rocket that delivered crew members to the International Space Station.
Published Oct 26, 2012