Which came first, the clouds or the dust? Both clouds and dust can be important factors influencing regional climate, and they are frequently observed together. In this view taken from the International Space Station, two images were merged to create a mosaic of a dust storm and thunderstorm over the Red Sea. By interpreting the mosaic, we make a guess about which came first.
Published Jun 29, 2003Dust blows across Turkey’s arid interior and fans out over the Black Sea in this photo-like image taken on October 13, 2009.
Published Oct 13, 2009The dust that blew toward Cyprus from the coast of Turkey on the previous day stretched and thinned on August 26, 2008.
Published Aug 27, 2008This natural-color image shows camel-colored dust spanning the Red Sea between Sudan and Saudi Arabia on July 15, 2009.
Published Jul 15, 2009Acquired May 13, 2011, this natural-color image shows dust from the Gobi Desert over the Sea of Japan.
Published May 13, 2011Acquired September 29, 2011, this natural-color image shows dust over the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.
Published Sep 30, 2011