At the beginning of the dry season, fires are burning in the savanna grasslands of northern Australia.
Published Jun 18, 2014This image from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite on June 17, 2009, shows fires (locations outlined in red) burning across the Top End and spreading thin plumes of smoke toward the northwest.
Published Jun 18, 2009The beginning of the dry season also brings the beginning of the burning season to fire-prone savannas and grasslands.
Published May 10, 2014Though fires are larger and more frequent at the end of the dry season, several fires burned in Western Australia and Northern Territory in April 2015.
Published Apr 9, 2015Land managers in the Kimberley region of Australia set low-intensity, controlled fires early in the dry season to protect from destructive blazes later in the year.
Published Apr 12, 2013The widespread fires shown in this image taken on May 20, characterizes the extreme fire season Mexico experienced in 2011.
Published May 25, 2011