The topography of Antarctic Iceberg A-76 provides insight into the strange properties of ice.
Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice Remote Sensing
Clouds often obscure land features in satellite images, but viewing conditions were perfect when Aqua captured this shot.
Image of the Day Land
In April 2005, the A53a iceberg calved off the Larsen Ice Shelf and began drifting north. Nearly three years later, it began to disintegrate.
Image of the Day Land Water Snow and Ice
A large iceberg finally split from the Antarctic ice shelf, but another piece stubbornly hangs on.
Image of the Day Heat Water Unique Imagery Snow and Ice Remote Sensing
Seawater has been cutting like a knife through an enormous Antarctic iceberg afloat in the southern Atlantic Ocean.
Snow and Ice Sea and Lake Ice
The swerving path of Antarctic iceberg A-68A is dictated by a large and powerful current.
Image of the Day Snow and Ice Sea and Lake Ice
Unusually cloud-free skies allowed satellites to observe colorful phenomenon taking shape in the region’s coastal waters.
Image of the Day Water Water Color
About a month before the start of astronomical summer in the southern hemisphere, vast areas of sea ice were already painted blue with meltwater.
The many pieces of Antarctic iceberg A-68 continue to drift near South Georgia Island.
Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice
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