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Images related to Sizing Up Remote Lakes

ICESat-2 Sees the Trees in Mexico

ICESat-2 Sees the Trees in Mexico

The satellite measures more than just polar ice; it also makes detailed elevation measurements over the planet’s tropical and temperate latitudes.

Published Jan 29, 2019

Image of the Day Land Water Remote Sensing

Satellites Size Up Bubbles of Methane in Lake Ice

Satellites Size Up Bubbles of Methane in Lake Ice

Synthetic Aperture Radar is offering scientists a new way to measure how much of the potent greenhouse gas is bubbling up from frozen Arctic lakes.

Published Jul 14, 2020

Image of the Day Remote Sensing

As Glacial Lakes Grow, So Do the Risks

As Glacial Lakes Grow, So Do the Risks

Throughout the Himalayas, many glaciers are retreating and meltwater lakes are growing, putting people at risk downhill and downstream.

Published May 9, 2017

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

Ice on Puma Yumco

Ice on Puma Yumco

Every winter, people in a high-altitude village on the Tibetan Plateau herd their sheep across the frozen lake toward two islands with better forage.

Published Mar 18, 2017

Image of the Day Land Snow and Ice

Ounianga Lakes, Sahara Desert, Chad

Ounianga Lakes, Sahara Desert, Chad

This astronaut photograph features one of the largest of a series of ten mostly fresh water lakes in the Ounianga Basin in the heart of the Sahara Desert of northeastern Chad.

Published Nov 30, 2009

Image of the Day Land

In a River Delta Far, Far Away

In a River Delta Far, Far Away

Tens of millions of small lakes dot frigid tundra landscapes in the Arctic—like the swampy Yana River Delta.

Published Jul 28, 2018

Image of the Day Land Water Snow and Ice

Ice on the Great Lakes

Ice on the Great Lakes

The extent of ice on North America's Great Lakes is past its annual peak, but remains above the average maximum extent.

Published Mar 18, 2015

Water Snow and Ice Sea and Lake Ice

The Icy Origins of the Finger Lakes

The Icy Origins of the Finger Lakes

Huge sheets of ice carved out the U-shaped valleys that hold New York’s Finger Lakes. When they retreated north about 10,000 years ago, glaciers left deposits of gravel that dammed streams and caused the depressions to become lakes.

Published Nov 30, 2013

Image of the Day Land Water

Volcanic Mood Rings

Volcanic Mood Rings

Kelimutu volcano is home to the unique crater lakes known to change color unpredictably.

Published Jul 6, 2018

Image of the Day Land Water