Nighttime lights how the Icelandic landscape influences where people live.
Published May 12, 2017In this astronaut photograph from the International Space Station, the lights of Qatar show informative demographic detail that is very difficult to discern in daylight images.
Published Nov 12, 2012Connect the dots and history emerges.
Published May 23, 2017The easily recognized boot of Italy is spread across this panorama taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Station.
Published Dec 15, 2014The radial pattern of highways echoes the ancient saying that “all roads lead to Rome.”
Published Jul 28, 2016Astronauts collect a lot of photos of Earth at night, but they don't always know what they are looking at. You can help.
Published Aug 30, 2014Through Italy’s Smart Road Decree, the city was chosen as a test site for autonomous driving vehicles.
Published Oct 18, 2020Changing patterns of nighttime lights are of great interest to demographers, engineers, and humanitarian relief organizations.
Published May 16, 2017In this image, an astronaut photograph of the Los Angeles area is overlaid on a topographic image made from the United States Geological Survey National Elevation Dataset (1 arcsecond resolution). The grid of streets is outlined by orange (sodium vapor) and blue-green (mercury vapor) lights. The airport, the naval docks, and downtown LA are especially bright.
Published May 1, 2008