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Images related to Sea of Galilee

Zaliv Kara-Bogaz-Gol, Caspian Sea

Zaliv Kara-Bogaz-Gol, Caspian Sea

This view shows the sun reflecting off the surface waters that surround the spit that defines the Zaliv Kara-Bogaz-Gol from the open Caspian Sea. The sunglint reveals the flow of fresher water through the spit channel and into the bay.

Published Jul 14, 2002

Image of the Day Water

Australia’s Disappearing Lakes Disappear Even More

Australia’s Disappearing Lakes Disappear Even More

The Menindee Lakes in New South Wales are facing extremely low water levels.

Published Feb 26, 2019

Image of the Day Water

Toshka Lakes, Southern Egypt

Toshka Lakes, Southern Egypt

Between 2002 and 2012, water levels dropped significantly in these manmade lakes in the Sahara.

Published Jul 16, 2012

Image of the Day Human Presence

Decreasing Water Levels in Egypt’s Toshka Lakes

Decreasing Water Levels in Egypt’s Toshka Lakes

Nearly six years of regional drought and rapidly increasing demand for water have resulted in decreasing water levels in lakes throughout East Africa. The flooded regions of the Toshka Lakes west of Lake Nasser have decreased greatly over the years, exposing the former dune fields, and leaving a “bath-tub ring” of wetlands (dark region) surrounding the lake shorelines.

Published Jan 9, 2006

Image of the Day Land

Great, Warm Lakes

Great, Warm Lakes

Just a few months after an unusually warm winter with minimal ice, the surface temperatures of the lakes are now near or above records.

Published Jul 16, 2020

Image of the Day Heat Water Remote Sensing

Beysehir and Egirdir

Beysehir and Egirdir

Two of the largest freshwater lakes in Turkey sit on the Anatolia Plateau.

Published Jan 26, 2020

Image of the Day Land Water

Toshka Lakes, Egypt

Toshka Lakes, Egypt

In the late 1990s, Egypt’s new manmade Toshka Lakes, fed from Lake Nasser via a canal, grew and spilled into new basins to become four major and two smaller lakes. Starting in 2002, astronauts have seen the lakes slowly decline, with the telltale ring of darker, moistened ground showing the previous higher water levels.

Published Jul 7, 2008

Image of the Day Land

The Variable Sea

The Variable Sea

The eastern basin of the South Aral Sea is shallow and more prone to size fluctuations than its neighbors.

Published May 21, 2018

Image of the Day Land Water

Sor Kaydak, Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan

Sor Kaydak, Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan

Salt and algae color the landscape and water around this marsh that lies below global sea level.

Published Jun 11, 2012

Image of the Day Land Water