Dust Plumes off the West Coast of Africa

Saharan dust formed giant arcs off the west coast of Africa at the beginning of July 2009.
Dust Plumes off the West Coast of Africa

Dust Plumes off the West Coast of Africa

This natural-color image shows Saharan dust forming an S-shaped curve off the western coast of Africa, and passing directly over Cape Verde.

Published Jul 6, 2009

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Dust Plumes off the West Coast of Africa

Dust Plumes off the West Coast of Africa

Acquired July 2, 2009, this natural-color image shows a massive arc of Saharan dust over the Atlantic Ocean, stretching well over 1,000 kilometers west of the African coast.

Published Jul 2, 2009

Atmosphere Dust and Haze

Dust Plumes off the West Coast of Africa

Dust Plumes off the West Coast of Africa

This true-color image from July 1, 2009, shows a series of giant dust plumes west of Mauritania. The smallest and most concentrated plume appears east of Cape Verde.

Published Jul 1, 2009

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze