Dust Storm off Western Sahara Coast

Dust storms have been sweeping across central and western Africa on and off since early January 2005. This image shows an immense dust event on February 16, 2005.
Dust Storm off Western Sahara Coast

Dust Storm off Western Sahara Coast

Published Feb 17, 2005

Dust and Haze

Dust Storm off Western Sahara Coast

Dust Storm off Western Sahara Coast

Published Feb 15, 2005

Dust and Haze

Dust Storm off Western Sahara Coast

Dust Storm off Western Sahara Coast

Published Jan 10, 2005

Dust and Haze

Dust Storm off Western Sahara Coast

Dust Storm off Western Sahara Coast

Dust flowing northwestward off the coast of Africa on New Year's Day 2005.

Published Jan 3, 2005

Land Water Dust and Haze