Thick smoke pours from fires burning on the Portuguese island of Madeira in this photo-like image from August 13, 2010.
Published Aug 16, 2010Smoke poured from fires burning in the Dominican Republic in this image, taken on March 18, 2005. The majority of the fires set on the island are probably agricultural fires, set to prepare land for planting. The largest fires, however, may be uncontrolled fires.
Published Mar 22, 2005Thick smoke buried the island of Borneo on October 12, 2006. The fires had been burning for several weeks, creating transportation and health problems across the region. Fires are common in the dry season, despite the Indonesian government’s efforts to control illegal burning.
Published Oct 12, 2006Fires in and around Snowy River National Park in southeast Victoria exploded on February 9 and 10, 2014.
Published Feb 10, 2014An outbreak of fire on the Portuguese island blackened a large swath of forest.
Published Aug 18, 2016Smoke and charred forests are the result of fires burning in Thailand’s Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary.
Published Mar 4, 2016