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Images related to Explosive Eruption at Paluweh Volcano

Ash above Ubinas Volcano

Ash above Ubinas Volcano

Frequent ash plumes characterize the 2014 eruption of the Peruvian volcano.

Published May 16, 2014

Atmosphere Land Volcanoes

Momotombo Volcano, Nicaragua

Momotombo Volcano, Nicaragua

For the first time in more than a century, Nicaragua’s Momotombo Volcano awoke with an explosive eruption.

Published Dec 9, 2015

Heat Land Volcanoes

Explosive Eruption at Paluweh

Explosive Eruption at Paluweh

Ash and volcanic gases rise above this volcano in Indonesia.

Published Apr 25, 2013

Atmosphere Land Volcanoes

Holuhraun Lava Field

Holuhraun Lava Field

In late August and September 2014, this volcanic region of Iceland began spewing vast amounts of lava.

Published Sep 24, 2014

Heat Land Volcanoes

Gas and Ash Plume from Paluweh Volcano

Gas and Ash Plume from Paluweh Volcano

Indonesia’s Paluweh Volcano (also known as Rokatenda) continues to erupt.

Published Apr 1, 2013

Atmosphere Land Volcanoes

Colima Volcano Erupts

Colima Volcano Erupts

An ash plume billows above one of Mexico’s most active volcanoes.

Published Feb 23, 2015

Heat Land Volcanoes

Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull Volcano, Iceland

Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull Volcano, Iceland

Increased activity at Eyjafjallajökull Volcano caused a new wave of flight cancellations in Ireland and Great Britain in early May 2010.

Published May 5, 2010

Atmosphere Land Volcanoes

Ash Plume from Rabaul Volcano

Ash Plume from Rabaul Volcano

Ash rises above restive Tavurvur Cone on New Britain Island.

Published Aug 7, 2013

Atmosphere Land Volcanoes

Volcán Copahue

Volcán Copahue

Volcán Copahue, a stratovolcano on the border of Chile and Argentina in the Andes, was active during October 2014.

Published Oct 29, 2014

Atmosphere Land Volcanoes Snow and Ice

Activity at Sakurajima Volcano Intensifies

Activity at Sakurajima Volcano Intensifies

A NASA satellite captured this image of an eruption at Japan’s Sakurajima Volcano on February 15, 2010.

Published Feb 17, 2010

Land Volcanoes

Ash Plume from Planchón-Peteroa Volcano

Ash Plume from Planchón-Peteroa Volcano

Planchón-Peteroa Volcano emits an ash plume on September 18, 2010.

Published Sep 21, 2010

Land Volcanoes

Planchón-Peteroa Volcano

Planchón-Peteroa Volcano

Peteroa Volcano emits ash, continuing an eruption that began in early September.

Published Sep 27, 2010

Land Volcanoes

Restless Mount Cleveland

Restless Mount Cleveland

Acquired June 4,2010, this natural-color image shows the ash-striped, snow-capped summit of Cleveland Volcano nearly surrounded by clouds.

Published Jun 7, 2010

Land Volcanoes

Plume from Batu Tara

Plume from Batu Tara

A small ash plume rises from Batu Tara Volcano, Indonesia.

Published Aug 6, 2010

Atmosphere Land Volcanoes

Ash, Steam, and Snow at Karymsky Volcano

Ash, Steam, and Snow at Karymsky Volcano

A decade-long eruption continues on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula.

Published Jan 29, 2014

Land Volcanoes

Unrest at Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica

Unrest at Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica

Emissions of gas and ash indicate an increase in activity at Costa Rica’s Turrialba volcano in January 2010.

Published Jan 28, 2010

Image of the Day Land Volcanoes