An inland sea once connected the lakes, but they now have different appearances and water chemistries.
Published Oct 7, 2022Between 2002 and 2012, water levels dropped significantly in these manmade lakes in the Sahara.
Published Jul 16, 2012Throughout the Himalayas, many glaciers are retreating and meltwater lakes are growing, putting people at risk downhill and downstream.
Published May 9, 2017The Menindee Lakes in New South Wales are facing extremely low water levels.
Published Feb 26, 2019Historic flooding in New South Wales brings water to these Australian lakes for the first time in five years.
Published May 20, 2021Snow cover lingered in the Great Lakes region on February 16, 2008. Against the backdrop of snowy ground appear the deep blue waters of the Great Lakes and nearby water bodies. In this wintertime shot, the lakes are relatively ice-free, except for Lake Erie.
Published Feb 20, 2008Late August 2010 provided a rare satellite view of a cloudless summer day over the entire Great Lakes region of North America.
Published Sep 7, 2010Two of the largest freshwater lakes in Turkey sit on the Anatolia Plateau.
Published Jan 26, 2020