A large pocket of polluted air was hanging over eastern China on September 28, 2004. The air flow pattern that would typically sweep this polluted air eastward over the Pacific Ocean has been halted by Typhoon Meari which is advancing northward up China’s east coast.
This true-color image was acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite. Click the image above to access the high-resolution copy, which is 250 meters per pixel.
NASA image by Jesse Allen, Earth Observatory, using data courtesy the MODIS Rapid Response Team at Goddard Space Flight Center
Incomplete burning of carbon-based fuels like coal and wood leads to a build-up of haze in eastern China, where mountains and weather patterns can trap it for days at a time. This Terra MODIS image is a comparison of a hazy day and a relatively clear day in February 2005.