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EO Kids

From School to NASA Earth Scientist

From School to NASA Earth Scientist (download pdf – 11.4 MB) June 2019

What do you want to be when you grow up? Find out what three NASA scientists wanted to be when they were young and discover what they do now. Then, be a scientist yourself! Learn how to use the GLOBE Observer app to collect your own scientific observations.

At EO Kids we are committed to making Earth science fun and engaging. Come explore our Earth with us.

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EO Kids is written for audiences aged 9 to 14. It is published with support from NASA’s Landsat, Terra, and Aqua missions.

We would appreciate any comments or feedback you could provide to us about this new publication (e.g., content, style, format): Let us know what you think.

Mission Biomes

Mission: Biomes online interactive activity to support learning and awareness of seven terrestrial biomes.