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Andi Brinn Thomas

Andi has been a part of the NASA community since 2015. She started out cataloging astronaut photography of Earth and quickly moved into writing stories for Earth Observatory, operating an ISS payload (Crew Earth Observations) and providing GIS and data visualization support for the Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Division at Johnson Space Center. In January 2019, she joined the SERVIR Science Coordination Office at Marshall Space Flight Center and spent a little over a year working with their Eastern & Southern Africa hub to help build remote sensing applications in water resources management and provide communications support for the broader SERVIR program.

She continues a passionate journey near Earth Science today, with a focus on project management support for the Earth Observatory Group and the Earth Science Data Systems Program. She is also the Communications Lead for the Level One and Atmosphere Archive Distribution System Distributed Active Archive Center (LAADS DAAC). When NASA Earth Science isn’t on her mind, she is happiest hanging out with her husband and son, Olli, and their oversized lab, Aurora.

Andi Brinn Thomas