Acquired on April 10, 2010, and and March 7, 2009, these natural-color images show changes in a central Australian saltpan, Lake Frome. In 2010, water has seeped into the salt lake, leaving standing water in some areas and muddying much of the ground surface.
Published Apr 14, 2010Acquired March 26, 2010 (top), and March 14, 2010 (bottom), these false-color images track the movement of floodwaters in Australia’s Channel Country.
Published Mar 29, 2010These false-color images of southwestern Queensland on March 14, 2010 (top), February 17, 2010 (middle), and March 16, 2009 (bottom), reveal the extent of recent, severe flooding.
Published Mar 16, 2010Acquired March 8, 2010 (top), and February 23, 2010 (bottom), these false-color images show changes in river levels in Australia’s Channel Country. Vegetation appears bright green. Clouds appear sky blue. Water varies in color from electric blue to navy. Bare ground appears tan.
Published Mar 8, 2010