Fires in British Columbia

An astronaut on the Internatioanl Space Station captured this digital camera image of smoke from fires in British Colmubia trapped in the valleys of the northern Rocky Mountains on August 20, 2003.
Fires in British Columbia

Fires in British Columbia

This image taken by the crew of the International Space Station on August 20, 2003, illustrates how smoke has become trapped in valleys. Normally air temperature decreases with altitude; in other words, the higher up you are, the colder it is. Warmer, more buoyant air near the surface of the Earth usually rises into the atmosphere, carrying away air pollutants such as smoke. However, sometimes the “higher equals colder” relationship breaks down, for example, here in the northern Rockies, where light winds and cold air drainage from the higher elevations have created “temperature inversions,” making the air in the valley colder and denser than the air at the mountain peaks.

Published Sep 24, 2003

Atmosphere Land Fires