This page contains archived content and is no longer being updated. At the time of publication, it represented the best available science.
- Brooks, H. (2013, April 1) Severe thunderstorms
and climate change. Atmospheric Research, 123, 129-138.
- Climate Central (2013, January 11) U.S.
Sets Record for Days Without a Deadly Tornado. Accessed March 1, 2013.
- Cooney, C. (2012, January 1) Downscaling
Climate Models: Sharpening the Focus on Local-Level Changes. Environmental Health
Perspectives, 120 (1), 22-29.
- Del Genio, A. et al (2007, August 17) Will moist
convection be stronger in a warmer climate? Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (16),
- Del Genio, A. (2011, April 16) Will a Warmer World Be
Stormier? Earthzine. Accessed March 1, 2013.
- Diffenbaugh, N. et al (2012, December 19) Does
Global Warming Influence Tornado Activity? Eos, 89 (53), 553-554.
- Emanuel, K. (2005, August 4) Increasing destructiveness of
tropical cyclones over the past 30 years. Nature, 436, 686-688.
- Francis, J. and Vavrus, J. (2012, March 17) Evidence
linking Arctic amplification to extreme weather in mid-latitudes. Geophysical Research
Letters, 39 (6), 801.
- Kishtawal, C. et al (2012, May 26) Tropical
cyclone intensification trends during satellite era (1986-2010). Geophysical Research
Letters, 39 (10), 810.
- Knutson, T. et al (2010, February 21) Tropical cyclones and climate
change. Nature Geoscience, 3, 157-163.
- Knutson, T. et al (2008, May 18) Simulated reduction in
Atlantic hurricane frequency under twenty-first-century conditions. Nature Geoscience,
1, 359-364.
- Kunkel, K. et al (2012) Monitoring and
Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of the Knowledge. Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society.
- Kunkel, K. et al (2010, December 23) Recent
increase in U.S. heavy precipitation associated with tropical cyclones. Geophysical Research
Letters, 37 (24), 706.
- Lau, W. and Zhou, Y. (2012, February 1) Observed recent
trends in tropical cyclone rainfall over the North Atlantic and North Pacific. Journal of
Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 117 (D3), 104.
- Masters, J. (2008, May 21) The
future of wind shear. Weather Underground. Accessed March 1, 2013.
- Pryor, S. et al (2008, March 28). How spatially
coherent and statistically robust are temporal changes in extreme precipitation in the contiguous
USA? International Journal of Climatology, 29 (1), 31-45.
- Shepherd, M. and Knox, J. (2012, October 31) Hurricane
Sandy and Climate Change. Project Syndicate. Accessed March 1, 2013.
- Slate (2012, October 29) Hybrid
Hell. Accessed March 1, 2013.
- Trapp, R. et al (2007, December 4) Changes in
severe thunderstorm environment frequency during the 21st century caused by anthropogenically enhanced
global radiative forcing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104 (50),
- Trapp, R. et al (2010, May 10) Regional
climate of hazardous convective weather through high-resolution downscaling. Climate
Dynamics, 37 (3-4), 677-688.
- Vecchi, G. and Soden, B. (2007, April 18) Increased
tropical Atlantic wind shear in model projections of global warming. Geophysical Research
Letters, 34 (8), 702.
Further Reading
- Bengtsson, L. et al (2009, May) Will
Extratropical Storms Intensify in a Warmer Climate? Journal of Climate, 22(9),
- Champion, A. et al (2011, August 17) Impact
of increasing resolution and a warmer climate on extreme weather from Northern Hemisphere extratropical
cyclones. Tellus, 63 (5).
- Live Science (2012, September 7) Hurricanes
Whip up Faster in a Warming World. Accessed March 1, 2013.
- Masters, J. (2010, March 3) The future of intense
winter storms. Weather Underground. Accessed March 1, 2013.
- NOAA Severe Weather 101:Tornado
Basics. Accessed March 1, 2013.
- NOAA Large-scale Climate
Projections and Hurricanes. Accessed March 1, 2013.
- Ulbrich, U. et al (2009, January 17)
Extra-tropical cyclones in the present and future climate: A review. Theoretical Applied
Climatology, 98 (1-2), 117-131.
- University of Rhode Island Hurricane Science.
Accessed March 1, 2013.